Subjective subject

Art is subjective. Everyone values a work of art differently, and I’m not talking about money. How does it make you feel? There’s value in that. How does it change the world? There’s value in that. And of course, how much does it cost? There’s still value there too. The subjective value of art is what makes it so unique and exciting. Art has an impact on the world around us which is undeniable, so it is appropriate that art is one of the first implementations for NFTs.

NFTs are a technology that will change the world, and there’s tremendous debate around their value. When you buy an NFT, though, it settles the dispute on how much that NFT is worth. For the first time, a digital asset can be owned and traded without compromise of those rights. There’s still much to be decided around the debate of how much NFTs will change the world, but one thing will be for sure - it will be settled on a blockchain.